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Bishop Sutton Wassail

Sunday 21st January 2024

Gramble Orchard

Bonhill, Bishop Sutton BS39 5TS


  • Gates Open

  • Morris Dancing

  • Shaker Making Activity For Kids


  • Crowning Of The King


  • Procession Into The Orchard For Hotdogs, Bar, Hot Drinks and Apple Cake


  • Wassail Ceremony

  • Gun Firing

  • Big Fire

  • Singing

Ticket INCLUDES a Hotdog

Mulled Cider and BAR Available In Orchard

All ticket and bar proceeds to Clutton Scouts and Sutton Theatre  Company

Help us scare away the spirits and awaken the trees!

Bring your own wassail mug to drink from, torch, wellies and pots & pans to bang

Please park in the village and walk to the Fruit Farm 

Disabled parking available before 2.45pm with prior arrangement

Sorry , no dogs allowed and you are responsible for your child’s safety around the campfire.

Thank you.

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